Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cooking Comment

I do not eat eggs which are not well hidden in a cake. Hence I do not cook them very often. Recently I have been practicing my cooking skills with eggs. The poo pack is generally the recipients of the fruits of my labors. What does it say about how far I have come, when this morning I placed what I thought were nice omelets in front of each of the dogs with the following results:

Marvin dug in. Marvin will eat most anything.

Chester ran into the family room. He eventually was persuaded to come back and eat his omelet. I think he objected to the pumpkin which had been spread on the omelets for fiber. (Marvin has an anal gland issue.)

Gidgett is my picky princess. She had the most to say about my omelets. She took one look at hers. I urged her to dig in. She looked at me in horror and promptly threw up not once, but twice.

More practice needed perhaps?