Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Old Poodles Learn and Think

My mother has a an older mini, Dusty who we rescued many years ago.  She is almost 16 years old now with cataracts.  Dusty has lost her hearing over time.  She moves much more slowly now.  She sleeps soundly enough that she sometimes rolls off Mother's bed and keeps on sleeping.  Dusty does however still enjoy her food.

If Mother does not have her food or treats ready at the moment when Dusty feels they should be, she used to bark.  Since Mother has lost some hearing too, that was not working.  Mother keeps a clean kitchen with her dish towels hanging neatly on the stove handle.  Dusty learned that pulling them down and throwing them on the floor got action.  Mother moved the towels to the counter.

This morning Dusty's breakfast was late.  Dusty's water dish was dumped over when Mother came in the kitchen.  She cleaned up the mess and refilled it.    After many years of no spills Mother was however suspicious so she went around the corner, and watched.  Dusty walked up to her water dish next to where her food bowl should be, picked it up with her teeth, and deliberately turned it over.

Old dogs do learn new tricks and the towels are going back on the stove.